🌜 Milkman Riot Native or Cross-platform? i.e. Kotlin/Swft vs Flutter/React-Native/Xamarin
🐸 Simon The best user experience is undeniably native: performance will be better, the app will feel more at home and embrace platform-specific conventions. But it's unfortunately unsustainable: you're essentially multiplying the number of apps and the amount of code by the number of platforms you support, and you have to have skills and culture in all the platforms. So as much as I'd love to have great looking libadwaita apps on GNOME and awesome native Mac apps on my Mac, I'd have to say realistically cross-platform is the way to go.
2y, 21w 2 replies
🌜 Milkman Riot Yeah it's hard to justify the cost of teams with experience in all platforms, not to mention the cost of code ownership itself. I do like coding in Swift anf Kotlin, though!
2y, 21w 1 reply
🐸 Simon Never tried Kotlin but it looks like such an improvement from regular Java! Java makes for a great language to learn early on, its verbosity is very pedagogical, but man is it exhausting on the long run. Still kind of hate the fact that Android apps need a full blown JVM, you shouldn't need 12 GB of RAM in a phone to keep several apps alive when multitasking...
2y, 21w reply
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