👨‍💻 Matthieu V. Just came along obsidian.md it make me want to structure my notes/ideas but I don't really know where and how to start... Maybe it would be a great software to start doing some daily journaling
🎲 Jamie I got started on this sort of note taking by picking a specific complex topic I wanted to learn more about. Making it a tool for a clearly defined "project" greatly narrowed the scope of learning to use it! (YMMV)
3y, 21w 3 replies
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. thank you fro the answer ! I guess I also have to start somehow, I'm just waiting for something to happen 😅
3y, 21w 2 replies
🎲 Jamie What's a topic you've been wanting to learn more about?
3y, 21w 1 reply
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👨‍💻 Matthieu V. literally everything ! Maybe more focused on focusing but I'm really curious 🙂 But also I have to find some sorting/structure to store "thing I read on Internet" either it is some repo I saw on GitHub or a post linked through social media or link aggregator, because I'm often like "oh yes I read something about that !... but I cannot find the link 😭"
3y, 21w reply