🧉 Martin Finally updated my /now page. Anyone else have one? If so, share! :) martinrue.com/now
💩 Niklas The short story you're sharing on your now page sounds like you're living the dream! :) Glad you can explore new places and learn new languages. Here's my now page, that I actually should update again: niklasbuehler.com/...
3y, 47w 6 replies
🧉 Martin It's definitely a little surreal to be using Esperanto so often :) Glad to find at least one other person here with a /now. Grillradar is a cool idea, and I really like the design.
3y, 47w 5 replies
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💩 Niklas Haha, thank you! I was actually surprised to see how many people were using now pages already. Nowadays, I find one almost more often than not when stumbling upon a random personal website.
3y, 47w 1 reply
🧉 Martin Yeah, it's a really handy way to keep up with what folks are doing. I sometimes even browse a random one from nownownow.com.
3y, 47w reply
Nick S. I'm jealous you have the opportunity to use EO at all! Admittedly, I haven't tried to find people to speak it with, but if I did I'd have a lot more motivation to continue studying it.
3y, 47w 2 replies
💩 Niklas Maybe you could use Meetup or a similar service to find groups of people speaking it in your area?
3y, 47w reply
🧉 Martin If you check eventaservo.org, you'll find events pretty much every day of the week, and they're all online now. I've chatted to people from Africa, Australia, locally, and everywhere else by just joining one of their posted meetups and getting to know people. If you ever want to practise on a Zoom call, I could spare a coffee break to help out!
3y, 47w reply