✝️ Jerrod Gamotan Logically Disproving the Big Bang in 17 Seconds youtu.be/R4LyMq6azbg
👂 Sly That's the longest 17 seconds i have ever watched! Time is truly relative! That's why i believe in the Big Bang!
··· 3y, 50w 9 replies
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Nick S. Oh man, you really opened this Pandora's box. I thought it was an unspoken understanding on here to ignore Jerrod.
3y, 50w 2 replies
Sergiusz I love this thread and Jerrod on Subreply. It's just... so real.
3y, 49w reply
🚴 Aditya Always thought it was a troll
3y, 49w reply
✝️ Jerrod Gamotan You believe in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything? Do you believe in Darwinian Evolution?
3y, 50w 5 replies
👂 Sly Did you read my comment? i told you what i believe, now do you?
3y, 50w 4 replies