🚴 Aditya It's been a funny kind of week, but the end is nigh (I'm famously a drama queen)! For those of you based in the United States, what are you up to this long weekend? For the rest, what's this regular weekend looking like? :)
··· 4y, 1w 9 replies ¬
Diva It feels very Autumnal here in London; the leaves are changing colour and the temperature is quite cool. But this all means that hot chocolate is on the menu; we can layer up with scarves and hoodies; and we stay in and stream films!
🚴 Aditya Fall is my favourite time of the year, by far. Also the lead up to the holiday season! And for much the same reason you've mentioned haha
··· 4y, 1w 1 reply
Diva Yes! The anticipation of holiday season makes Autumn even more special! I don't mind the dark afternoons when all the lovely, decorative lights are switched on.
4y, 1w reply
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