Adsr I like how wholesome this community is. I haven't seen any trolls or anything even close to those Twitter flame-wars. I've always felt that every social media platform has its own personality, and I really love Subreply's. Or perhaps it's because there's only a handful of people here and a social network is doomed to be toxic as it gains popularity.
🗨️ Fui You're right on both accounts. Whatever personality this has is just the sum of all the people active here. So, if subreply's is the way it is because individually we're cool, level-headed people. And yes, if this grew exponentially, with it coming new and more conflict-seeking people, subreply's personality would change accordingly. The world is messy, and the more of the messy world you have in one place, the noisier it gets. Past a certain point it's just deafning.
4y, 15w 3 replies
Adsr That is so true! I really hope it stays this way, and it seems that it will as long as this place remains clear of photos, stories, memes and all the clutter other platforms have.
4y, 15w 2 replies
☕ Tk Master ... clear of photos, stories, memes, (...) and ADS! We hate ads! I bet everyone hates ads, even the advertising guy!
4y, 15w 1 reply
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🗨️ Fui Bill Hicks on marketing:
··· 4y, 14w reply