🧐 Nrmn Hello everyone. How's your week until now?
👨‍💻 Matthieu V. Not that bad, even if I didn't got that expected raise, but I'm side-working and learning some new thing by the way ! And how was your week so far ?
🧐 Nrmn Those people just don't know what they have! I'm sure you deserve that raise! What new thing are you looking at? My week is okay but going pretty slow. Lots of stuff blocking me from finally finishing my article on writing a router for vue3.
4y, 4w 1 reply
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👨‍💻 Matthieu V. I found that website that "uberized" developers, so anyone with a problem can hire someone else to fix it, so it help compensating that non-raise! Also it makes me go out my comfort zone and I learn thing from people I help, it's very varied
4y, 4w reply