Miso What's your current setup? (Computer, OS?)
🧐 Nrmn Main driver is a fairly new Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition. I threw Ubuntu off board though because I prefer my Void Linux setup. I'm not using any desktop environment. I use DWM, st and tmux. Things either happen in the shell or the browser. Browsers are, with few exceptions like Gimp and darktable, almost the only GUI applications I use. You can find my configs on github.com/nkoehri...
··· 4y, 19w 9 replies
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Miso wow - i'm really curious what it looks like having no desktop environment.
4y, 19w 8 replies
🧐 Nrmn No problem, here you go: reddit.com/r/unixp...
4y, 19w 7 replies