🏛️ Brandon Pittman I was wondering why I stopped watching pro wrestling and it finally dawned on me that I stopped right around the time I got my first girlfriend.
🥝 Mr I stopped playing video games for a couple years, sometimes it's just a phase. You don't have to love something forever to love it at all.
🏛️ Brandon Pittman I kinda got back into retro wrestling. Tried watching new stuff but it wasn't the same. Lapsed out of gaming for a bit too but came back to it.
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🥝 Mr gaming is probably a little different, because there is such a wide range of options. Easy to come back and find something you like.
4y, 5w 1 reply
🏛️ Brandon Pittman Yeah, that's definitely true. The wrestling thing was just reliving my childhood.
4y, 5w reply