Diva I used to think that listening to audio books was "cheating" somehow; I don't really know why. But I am currently listening to a non-fiction book and I am really enjoying it. How do you feel about audio books?
🥨 Shruthi Learning should be fun, not work, so you can't cheat haha. Honestly, audio is such a great way to learn and absorb information. My only gripe is its inefficient sometimes, because I read faster than I listen...is that true for you too?
4y, 21w 4 replies
Diva Ohhh! Great question! So, full disclosure - this is my first time with an audio book, and I am listening to "White Fragility" and as well as listening closely, I am taking notes because we are going to discuss it in our book club next month.
4y, 20w 1 reply
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🥨 Shruthi what do you think so far?
4y, 20w reply