👉 Léo An all-electric future would be great, but it gives me the feeling that we'd be putting all eggs into one basket. Electric energy is not as easy to store as chemical energy. Example: if there were a major power outage and all the vehicles that we need to use to go and fix the outage are electric, we could be in deep trouble.
Zeratul you can generate electricity in many ways. Mechanical generators are the safety in a scenario where you can't recharge from a grid. Also, the supply chain will work to reinforce itself over time in the same way that we don't allow ourselves to run out of petroleum.
4y, 21w 1 reply
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👉 Léo Yeah, I meant it gives me the "feeling" that we'd be putting all eggs in one basket. I'm sure there would be backup systems. And a lot of people would hopefully have solar cells installed on their roofs, creating a decentralized energy grid.
4y, 21w reply