🧉 Martin A few years ago I decided to learn Esperanto (the constructed language). I now spend anywhere from a few hours to a few days per week speaking it with friends from around the world. AMA :) (or just shake your head disapprovingly)
🟣 Ox Do you know about the Monero project? Esperanto is their language of choice
4y, 21w 1 reply
🧉 Martin I do. I spent a bit of time (2 years) working in that space. "Monero" is the Esperanto word for "coin", composed of "mono" (money) + "-er" (piece). This highlights a nice feature of Esperanto, in that "-er" can be applied anywhere it makes logical sense, e.g.: negxero (snowflake), pluvero (raindrop), panero (breadcrumb), fajrero (spark). I'm not sure all that many people in the Monero community really speak Esperanto, however. Or rather, I didn't mean many.
4y, 21w reply
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