🦥 Ash People who don't really play games anymore: What games do you find yourself going back to every once in a while? Personally, I still catch myself playing Morrowind and DOOM (1993).
💻 Kenneth Jensen I got back in. '93 Doom and Morrowind are top shelf for me. Oblivion is good too. Half-Life 1 and 2, the classics. I just got into Blood (use BloodGDX!) and reinstalled RCT3 for the first time in years. Fallout 1, 2, 3, and New Vegas. Halo 1 and 3 are always so fun (check out Cursed Halo). GTA San Andreas. I miss Minecraft Classic and Alpha/Beta. Nethack will never not be my pitfall. Dwarf Fortress is really really fun (I need to push my limits more in this game!).
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