Dsasdf Why did you quit Twitter?
💡 Diff Never really started in the first place fortunately. I prefer smaller-sized communities where I can actually learn the names and "faces" of the people around me. Twitter's just too big for my tastes.
Dsasdf Though it is too big, hardly anyone has anything interesting to say. Communities have enclosed themselves inside echo chambers and its members are regurgitating whatever information echoes back into their feed.
💡 Diff Even the smallest places can have a little bit of that. But big places have so *many* people that there are enough people sharing any given viewpoint to just straight up mob anyone that doesn't agree with them. On a smaller scale it's easier to remember the human behind the post and easier to actually chat instead of just shout down.
4y, 7w 1 reply
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Dsasdf This is true. When I didn't have twitter, its biggest appeal for me was being able to follow people that had created and/or maintained technologies that I was interested in. Once I signed up and followed those people, the nuggets of useful information that I occasionally discovered were not worth the hassle of having to filter them out from all that twitter bullshit.
4y, 7w reply