Miso Do you play any games?
🕹️ Louise YESH! I just to played DotA back in the early 2000, also WoW. Now, I'm looking for open worlds. I recently played Horizon Zero Dawn. Damn. It was good. I played LoL too but right now I don't have a good PC for pc games. I have an steam account, if you are interesting in playing together sometime
··· 4y, 9w 2 replies
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Miso Very cool! My computer isn't that powerful and I've always wanted to try No Man Sky. I tried cloud gaming (GeForce now) and it streams the game from their server to my computer. I feel like that's huge. :)
4y, 8w 1 reply
🕹️ Louise Oh! Care to share which service? Love to try that.
4y, 8w reply