🗨️ Fui
Why Manjaro? As others have asked you, is this your first time on Linux? What do you expect from a Linux distro? Check out distrowatch.com to know more about the different distros available.
💣 Zoid
I've been using *NIX full time since 2006. I have a FreeBSD and CentOS server, and two Thinkpads (T420) running Fedora with i3-gaps, and Kubuntu with i3-gaps. I've got a Thinkpad x260 on the way and I was considering exploring distros I haven't touched. Wondering if there was anything notable that I was missing.
🗨️ Fui
Well, with that CV, you should go full Arch Linux. There's nothing a particular distro does that you can't replicate on another one (with a bit of tinkering).