🧉 Martin So, what's everyone up to today? In my remaining few months of "funemployment", I'm working on a language-learning app idea and hoping to get something out there before I run out of time.
👂 Sly Going through a fullstack engineer curriculum at c0d3, so far the community is very welcoming and everybody is nice and ready to help. c0d3.com
🧉 Martin Great, hope you're enjoying it. For me, it has (already) been a great career choice. There are definitely worse jobs in the world :)
👂 Sly Thanks! I just hope that starting at 30 isn't gonna be a big handicap especially seeing those already making it in their 20s.
🧉 Martin My advice related to that is to specialise (to some degree). There are lots of average engineers who can throw a basic web app together, but there are few that really understand a certain aspect deeply within the very broad field of software engineering. Become really good at one of those (ideally one not too esoteric, for obvious reasons).
👂 Sly So, being a fullstack isn't the best choice ? Should i just focus either on the backend or the frontend when i finish the curriculum ?
🧉 Martin It may or may not be, depending on various things... most importantly what you actually enjoy doing. I love being full stack, but my point is more that it's becoming easier and easier to do that... so what's becoming harder? Get good at one of those answers and you'll always find somewhere you can add value. Certainly for now focus on just being broadly effective, but perhaps later think about the kind of specific problems you want to be "the guy" people go to for.
👂 Sly That sounds like a solid advice, i'll take it in consideration while taking this career path, thanks, i really appreciate it!
4y, 9w 1 reply
💻 Kernel I can recommend you the book "So Good They Can't Ignore You" by Cal Newport, which goes into exactly this topic.
4y, 9w reply
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