🍃 Matt Harwood CSVs and CSV usage is such a mess I don't know where to start. Excel being a big cause of the headache. Anyone have an Excel alternative that doesn't try and mess with CSVs? Something "pure"? (Other than editing text directly...)
🐢 Xia I work with CSV a lot. There used to be a time when Libre Office had a pretty good CSV support, including the character encodings which are one of the headaches Excel gives you. However, for quite a while now I've been using a piece of software named Easy Data Transform. That covers all our use cases and helps with semi-automating things. It's paid software though.
4y, 7w 1 reply
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🍃 Matt Harwood Thank you Xia! I will have a look at Easy Data Transform now. Really appreciate your input :)
4y, 7w reply