🕹️ Andrew If you complain about people reacting negatively to a word that you know is provocative, aren't you just playing yourself? Sure, people can say whatever they want, but IMO people aren't going to be that receptive to your points.
🔻 Trinity At this point we might as well tag them- but I'd rather keep a word like that out of my vocabulary; I have a lot of friends of color and that word has quite the warranted connotation.
4y, 22w 5 replies
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🕹️ Andrew Yeah, the connotation is incredibly loaded, so I don't understand why someone would choose any sort of slur as people's first impression of them. The average person knows that most people are just going to dip out right after that, even if you're trying to make a point about censorship.
4y, 22w 4 replies
🔻 Trinity It could be worse. Aside from the word usage they haven't said anything actually racist.
4y, 22w 3 replies