😏 Yt L. Reading the news often makes me frustrated and angry, and I really can't do anything about what the news is reporting on. Considering giving it up entirely and purposefully avoiding the news.
🤔 Dave I can relate to that. In addition to being nearly exclusively negative, most news is garbage-quality and only cares about emotionalising and getting clicks. Here in Germany even the big newspapers with loads of history, prestige and influence have degenerated to a quality level which 20 years ago would have been associated with the tabloid press. Maybe I can muster the courage to purposefully avoid all news in the future...
4y, 23w 3 replies
Oknaj I believe money and political agendas had infiltrated the media. They do not stand as independent news sources anymore, they are not allowed to cover _ANY_ topic. Therefore, I consider them as propaganda machinery.
4y, 23w reply
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