🍶 Freeman while pondering about the nature of social media and how it facilitates strong opinions, biases and groupthink that leads to toxicity , one wonders what it would look like if a social media were to block the use of "I" and "you", sort of like in the UK parliament (they only block the second person pronoun)
🐠 Sam E. I guess people would just replace those words by others, such as "ii really like to eat bananas, but not with u".
4y, 13w 1 reply
🍶 Freeman True, was thinking of a hypothetical NLP algorithm that could regulate a form of speech syntactically. If it were possible to boil down problematic comments in that sense. I compared it to the rule in uk parliament because not addressing each other directly doesn't stifle free speech yet (arguably) limits the degree of personal attacks detrimental to a productive debate
4y, 13w reply
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