Xy has anyone else felt that livestreaming / long form podcasts could be one potential solution for fake news? many companies will do r&d to make things more difficult to copy. the length of a livestream or long form podcast adds that level of complexity.
🥨 Shruthi Follow up question: is fake news as much of a problem as people seem to think?
4y, 23w 8 replies
Xy i think the legitimate problem is knowing where to source quality information. there will always be fake news, but i couldn't recommend with certainty where to source information.
4y, 23w 2 replies
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🥨 Shruthi We're living through a time where there's not much consensus on values, and values inform how your perceive what's true. Seems like in the short term you've got to figure out sources you personally and trust but don't expect that these will be universally agreed upon
4y, 23w 1 reply
Xy i really like your responses. to be honest, i don't know who to trust. even my friends in academia will tell me that there is not always scientific integrity in the work others do and publish. my travels in the past have similarly allowed me to see these inconsistencies in history based on who's writing it.
4y, 23w reply