🤮 Chalupa Gordito Hey guys, let's talk politics
👉 Léo Good idea! How could it possibly go wrong?
🤮 Chalupa Gordito On one hand there's Trump - but on the other hand there's Biden. Two very different men.
👉 Léo Honestly, they are also very similar. Two white men in their 70's. Neither has pledged to stop all wars or reduce military funding, neither has a real solution for healthcare (although Biden's proposal is 1000x better)
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John Noble Ben Rhodes' "The World as It Is" should be mandatory reading. I've never been so illuminated to the ways of politics. The playing off of interests to get even the smallest thing done. So when people say "they haven't pledged to end all wars" it's like, yeah. Impossible, I'm afraid.
👉 Léo Well... perhaps a little bit of wishful thinking on my part. I honestly would have liked to see a more military averse candidate win the primaries. I'll check out the book that you mentioned.
4y, 9w reply
Mihail Yes, it should be!
4y, 9w reply
🤮 Chalupa Gordito True. I'd reduce military funding by 25% and funding a new megaproject to completed every 4 years. Also free unlimited garlic bread for all americans.
4y, 9w 1 reply
👉 Léo Libertarians would say there's no such thing as free garlic bread. MMTers would say that it's fine because the US government is garlic bread sovereign so there won't be garliflation. Trump would point out that most garlic consumed in the US comes from CHINA, but wouldn't be eloquent enough to actually make a point. Everybody else would just enjoy the free garlic bread.
4y, 9w reply