Nkrs Working on an extremely minimal C binding between GTK+WebKit and Go for building a desktop application. It's somewhat similar to what the Electron framework is doing, but without Node and C++; I only want a window and an empty canvas, nothing more.
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Eric Are you not worried about the size of the resulting application? Electron apps are always behemoths in size & chew resources.
7y, 5w 1 reply
Nkrs I'm not using Electron, just something like it. Go can call C code so I'm making it call GTK and WebKit libraries. The resulting size of my test executable file, which displays a simple "hello world" page is just under 2MB which is standard for basic Go executables (imgur.com/a/RRAcl). From what I understand, Electron bundles the entire Chromium browser, but my solution links GTK and WebKit dynamically from the system so the resulting binary size is small.
7y, 5w reply