Zeke Hernandez Everyone's talking about Nougat, and I'm still rolling with Lollipop...
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🏒 Lucian Marin I type this on an iPhone 4S while everyone is talking about iPhone 7. Old tech is good enough these days.
Martijn The 4S is still getting iOS updates though, right? The bigger Android issue here is that you can be stuck on Lollipop (like ) with no updates to Marshmallow and 0 expectancy of ever seeing Nougat. This includes all security updates, because backports of those never seem to happen in the Android sphere.
Bjd2385 I got my first smartphone about a month and a half ago (Droid Turbo). When I got it they told me this was the `older version`. I'm like, how `old` is old? And she says 6 months. Honestly made me laugh a little bit.
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