Mark Dain I finally got sick of being in a really messy house so I've invited my sister round tomorrow (ironically to help clean) so that I'll end up cleaning before she gets here. That's one effective way to motivate yourself; invite someone round
Martijn I finally got sick of eating ready-made sauces out of the supermarket, so I invited myself over to a friend's place so that I'll end up eating something healthy.
8y, 21w 9 replies
Dorcas Good food means learning how to cook. Ugh.
8y, 21w 5 replies
Martijn I'll just settle for once or twice a month and hop between friends'. Haha.
8y, 21w 4 replies
Dorcas Keep us posted about your good food adventures then.
8y, 20w 3 replies
Martijn Quinoa pasta with hot-smoked salmon, baby spinach, thyme, an a bit of yoghurt to give it all some body. Probably some random other herbs and spices that I forgot about. Which makes it about 3+ ingredients more than go in my average dinners.
8y, 20w 2 replies
Dorcas Starting with pasta e? Here I am being asian searching for some rice meal.
8y, 20w 1 reply
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Martijn I love pasta. Though personally all the boiling feels like a bore and I go with couscous, where you only need to pour boiling water from a kettle on top to get it done. Haven't done a rice meal yet as I am not sure if it offers anything I can't do with couscous.
8y, 20w reply