Martijn My domain is coming up for renewal and I want to move to a better DNS provider. Any tips? I am currently paying them to provide DNS/nameservers but they still aren't IPv6 ready.!
Asko P. I recommend or
8y, 13w 3 replies
Martijn Both of those seem to require I switch my domain to them if I want to use their nameservers? Hmm...
8y, 13w 2 replies
Asko P. Well yes, they are registrars after all. As for just DNS, I unfortunately do not know :/
8y, 13w 1 reply
Martijn I registered my domain straight with the registry and was recently moved to a direct-subsidiary registrar. This - to me - has always felt as the most secure way to have a domain. I am currently looking at the DNS offered by
8y, 13w reply
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