🏒 Lucian Marin When will corporations and governments understand that due the internet, Earth has become one big country now? Globalization is not a distant point of interest in the future. It's a fact today.
😀 Tom Until travel is as fast and cheap as the internet, I think we will still have borders. Even then, on the internet, different websites are like different countries with different rules and cultures.
8y, 33w 2 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Universal basic income (en.wikipedia.org/w...) can speed up these kind of things. It will accelerate global economy by 10x to 1000x. It's like investing in a startup, but instead governments will invest directly in people.
8y, 33w 1 reply
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😀 Tom I haven't done much thought about the idea except for reading people's arguments for one way or the other. My main concern is inflation. Not by "creating" more money as most people assume, but by making more money available now for purchases. People will be taxed more, so that means less saving and traditional investing for their retirements, though I suppose a basic income would off-set that. But in the US, we have something similar which isn't working to well: Social Security. Additionally in the US, we have more people than ever not in the labor force. I've only heard arguments why that is bad, and none why that is good. Limit :/
8y, 33w reply