Maker, solver, thinker, storyteller (add as many trendy terms here as you want)
Oskar Zabik
Don't be so sneaky, you know what I mean! I'm asking about uploading a picture of my own kitten, here, on @sublevel!
10y, 16w
Oskar Zabik
Ok @sublevel, how do I include a picture of a kitten in my "level"? Don't say I can't, it's internet.
10y, 16w
2 replies
10y, 16w
1 reply
I'd say "levels", so when you get an upvote, you level up or something!
Oskar Zabik
How do I upvote a level? How do I like or star a level? Someone just liked my level the Activity tab says, WHO?! I'm so confused...
10y, 16w
Oskar Zabik
On Twitter we send "tweets". Are we sending "sublevels" here?
10y, 16w
2 replies
Oskar Zabik
It took my too long to figure out how to write a new message. Clicking on my profile icon isn't clear enough
10y, 16w
Oskar Zabik
Is there a character limit here?
10y, 16w
1 reply
💬 Subreply
No way!
10y, 16w