🤔 John Tractor Shopping, from my trip home to Idaho. (Edit: forgot that it crops square...)
4y, 37w 3 replies ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Are you planning on getting one? What for?
4y, 37w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I got dubfi.com for a brand new social network. Crazy if don't try again, crazy if I do. But you heard about it here first. subfi.com and pubfi.com were taken. Dub-Fi joins Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi and stands for Dub Fidelity.
🤔 John What's the theme? Music? Foreign language movies with audio dubs?
4y, 44w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Using SQLite on lucianmarin.com is faster than using JSON, 43ms vs 56ms for the same request. Hmm... I have to make the switch someday.
🤔 John I'm in love with SQLite, and I'm surprised so many django devs say it doesn't scale. At some point I'd like to look at the django ORM and understand why.
4y, 44w 1 reply
Seth Kontny where are resumes ?
5y, 4w reply
🤔 John How did you find your current job?
5y, 5w 1 reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Brute force then a bit of luck and trust from the employer. Brute force because I applied to any job description that had Python in it.
5y, 5w reply
🤔 John Neofeud is delightfully weird so far.
5y, 6w reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Even the most complex Django apps share the same components as the simplest blog tutorial you can find. That's how I started. Take a look at Awesome Django (github.com/wsvince...) on GitHub.
🤔 John That looks perfect, thanks .
5y, 10w 1 reply
🤔 John Maybe you folks have ideas - what's a good django codebase to browse if I want to get a feel for real-world usage?
5y, 10w 3 replies ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Even the most complex Django apps share the same components as the simplest blog tutorial you can find. That's how I started. Take a look at Awesome Django (github.com/wsvince...) on GitHub.
5y, 10w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Twitter was great last year. I exchanged DMs with Elon Musk and got some replies from Eli Schiff, Steve Troughton-Smith, Ben Geskin. I will focus on LinkedIn and Subcafe from now on. Only if Subcafe could have resumes...
🤔 John I think Twitter has some amazing use cases, especially to connect with people. I'm just sick to death of what ended up being my default use case, which was spending too much time and energy on the home timeline, and following more and more interesting people. I'm now down to curated lists that I can go to when I'm working on a specific topic, and one very modest list for people whose updates I don't want to miss. I can check this "top" list in 5 minutes a few times per day and not get sucked in.
5y, 13w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin You read my mind. I figured something like would be useful when I wanted to build a search feature for Newscafe. Why build it just for news sites?
🤔 John +1. It really seems like we hit a local maximum with Google/Bing/DDG and it's time for something different. I have a lot of frustrations around finding niche content, paging through results, and discoverability of what's out there when you get past the spam. If you're interested I may try to articulate these frustrations more specifically and think about how they could be overcome.
5y, 14w reply
🤔 John I've made my Twitter much less interesting, and it's revealed how draining it is to read Twitter all the time. I went from 3k following to 2k, by removing most of the high-content accounts that were entertaining but not personally meaningful to me. I can't say that I've been measurably more productive, but I have read several books and dozens of articles that have been in my backlog. It's incredibly helpful for me to not have a "default" time wasting opportunity. Somehow Twitter had taken over the role of TV, other social media, and other social networks and put them all in one place. I'm very excited to recover my time and focus.
5y, 14w 2 replies ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Twitter was great last year. I exchanged DMs with Elon Musk and got some replies from Eli Schiff, Steve Troughton-Smith, Ben Geskin. I will focus on LinkedIn and Subcafe from now on. Only if Subcafe could have resumes...
5y, 14w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin What should I work on next? A search engine called Findcafe, a native Android app for Newscafe, redesigning Sub with photos support or any other idea you might have.
🤔 John I'd love to see a search engine that could categorize sites. E.g. a filter to remove redundant blog spam, restrict to university sites, or corporate sites that fully identify a business, etc.
5y, 15w 2 replies
🤔 John Still working through Grokking Algorithms and looking for my next book towards data analysis / data science.
5y, 26w 1 reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Code samples are already available on GitHub: github.com/egonSch...
5y, 26w reply
Eric DN is great but always seems such a waste of potential, the site always feels just a little empty. Perhaps you should write a few articles in draft before putting a platform for them online?
🤔 John I'll have to look again, but one successful blogger said he needs to have 100's of posts in draft status to eliminate content anxiety.
5y, 26w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I want to code his new Pravda idea: twitter.com/lucian...
🤔 John I think his idea misses some important subtlety that shows he doesn't understand the problem.
5y, 46w 1 reply
Eric I always try and keep an eye on DesignerNews, you get some good portfolios posted there regularly. I'd advise against having a blog unless you're committed to posting regularly on it. Too often there's portfolios with absolutely dead blogs which don't come off well imo.
🤔 John Thanks, I forgot about DesignerNews completely. And great point about the blog, I'm still considering what form / topics I can commit myself to writing regularly on before anything goes live.
5y, 48w 2 replies
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