First the weird inconsitencies of 300ms tap delay, then the half-assed indexedDB implementation of iOS's new #Safari - that's exactly what happens when you develop technology behind closed doors...
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Sublevel embraces only web standards. It works on any browser on any device. Supporting Firefox OS manifest is not a standard, it's just as wrong as META="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" for iOS.
@sublevel have you thought about posting the app on the Firefox Marketplace (as a so-called "Hosted" app?) developer.mozilla.... - sublevel seems to be a nice fit with mozilla's values, even. ;)
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Sublevel embraces only web standards. It works on any browser on any device. Supporting Firefox OS manifest is not a standard, it's just as wrong as META="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" for iOS.
The fact that @sublevel works without javascript enabled and focuses on the "web is the platform" approach makes it ideologically very appealing to the proponents of the Open Web.