Martijn I am in love with basically every recurring character on Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Highly recommended!
Dorcas While now I'm into a korean series called "Crime Scene". *high five*
8y, 30w 4 replies
Martijn This one? I really like crime series, is it available online somewhere?
8y, 30w 3 replies
Dorcas Yes, but only the 2nd season is what I'm into. I'm on the 7th episode now. You may start by searching Crime Scene season 2 ep 2 eng sub on youtube. They deduce fictional crime cases live.
8y, 30w 2 replies
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Martijn You don't recommend the 1st season at all? Interesting. I'll be sure to check out both seasons then. Maybe we need a Sublevel film club for watching things together!
8y, 30w 1 reply
Dorcas I haven't seen the 1st one but will give it a try as soon as school calms down. The idea sounds fun, but I think we all have our own film preferences from time to time. That might be a downside.
8y, 30w reply