Aleks Call me a perfectionist, but in my efforts to avoid stock characters or one dimensional characters (they try to help or they try to stop the protagonist), I spend a day mapping out every single character in the film, who they are, what's their story, what they want, etc.
9y, 11w reply ¬
Aleks Upon completing the first draft, I will make a voice version of the screenplay, just to get the duration guesstimation right.
9y, 12w reply ¬
Aleks I'm using a few techniques to reduce the duration of the film, despite the script being long: voice-track-A on picture-track-B instead of two scenes, montages, information delivered over TV/radio while scene shows something else and so on. I also want to cut down the page count, using brevity and smarter phrases in descriptions.
9y, 12w reply ¬
Aleks : I've hit 3 hours already and I need to add 30 "uncuttable" minutes. Hopefully, I can cut 10 minutes from every hour to keep the film at 3 hours, which is as long as it needs to be.
9y, 12w reply ¬