Stephane Rangaya I think people and companies in the tech industry could do better at helping all communities to live and coexist in this beautiful city. We came last and need to respect what was there first, what made San Francisco what is it today. It's scary to see young people, artists and the working class moving away from the city. We'll soon lose contact with reality, design apps for ourselves and make our (instead of 'the') world a better place. I don't think that's what we strive for. I don't think that's why we wake up for.
9y, 48w reply ¬
Lepimp Bonjour Chiccos
Mathieu Happy Monday!
Stephane Rangaya Bonjour toi :)
9y, 48w 1 reply
Samuel ah, si... limite de caractere...
Stephane Rangaya Non, pas de limite de caracteres, si je cliques sur Reply je peux lire ton status en entier :)
9y, 48w 1 reply
Sebastien Thiebaud Yes and I cannot post anything.
Stephane Rangaya It works for me. You have to tap the return key (not the Done button)
9y, 48w 2 replies
Stephane Rangaya Trying the Sublevel mobile web app...
9y, 48w reply ¬
Stephane Rangaya Trying to connect my Sublevel to Twitter via IFTTT. Let see if this works.
9y, 48w reply ¬
Sebastien Thiebaud Need an iOS client though
Stephane Rangaya Did you try the web app?
9y, 48w 4 replies
Stephane Rangaya I love the way is built around RSS. It's amazing.
9y, 48w reply ¬
Stephane Rangaya This looks like what Twitter could have been in a better world. Open standards, built for people. This is great.
9y, 48w reply ¬