🏒 Lucian Marin Replaced Fira Sans (311 KB) with Route 159 (55 KB). Even if it's not the perfect typeface, I'll keep looking for lightweight replacements.
··· 3y, 43w 13 replies ¬
Rsm I wasn't familiar with this font. Looks interesting. What did the creator mean by this sentence: "It is designed to take wide countertops inside letters, including lowercase b, d, p, q, making it even harder to collapse even in small size"? Wide countertops?
3y, 43w 4 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I think he meant that those letters are readable at small font sizes too compared with a regular sans font.
3y, 43w 1 reply
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Rsm Good to know. Thanks.
3y, 42w reply