Seb Tiying up my social networks, trying to disappear from the internet, I came across this site. I last posted here years ago, nice to see it's stil here!
🤔 David It had a bit of a surge a few months ago when it got posted to Tildes and Hacker News :) it seems that the majority of those who joined (myself included) have dropped off, though.
4y, 10w 2 replies
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Seb Still trying to understand what exactly this is. I'm curious though, might stick around for a while
4y, 10w 1 reply
🤔 David It's simple, text-based conversation that doesn't include likes or dislikes :) my experience has been similar to that of a forum, where I only participate in one thread and sometimes veer off into little side-discussions
··· 4y, 10w reply