✝️ Jerrod Gamotan Logically Disproving the Big Bang in 17 Seconds youtu.be/R4LyMq6azbg
👂 Sly That's the longest 17 seconds i have ever watched! Time is truly relative! That's why i believe in the Big Bang!
··· 4y, 4w 9 replies
✝️ Jerrod Gamotan You believe in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything? Do you believe in Darwinian Evolution?
👂 Sly Did you read my comment? i told you what i believe, now do you?
✝️ Jerrod Gamotan Do you believe in Darwinian Evolution?
👂 Sly I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster! I read The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster everyday and i hope someday i will be worthy of his Pasta!
✝️ Jerrod Gamotan The Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't save, and you are going to hell if you place your trust in him. There's only One who saves, and if you die in your sins apart from Him, you'll be judged and will have to give an account for every sin. The Bible says it is appointed for man to die once and then the judgment. Take care.
··· 4y, 4w 1 reply
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👂 Sly Who told you so? The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster says that the FSP is real and he will save anyone, even those who don't believe in him. Looks like FSP is a lot kinder than your god!
··· 4y, 3w reply