😕 Fine Do you like jazz? You might like Shubh Saran. I don't know, there's a lot of different kinds of jazz. It sounds a little like an instrumental Dave Matthews Band (real fans call him "Dave").
🎲 Jamie I do like jazz! I recently heard this wonderful version of "Lullaby of Birdland" (youtube.com/watch?...) and immediately decided that it's time to work on my jazz guitar skills.
4y, 21w 3 replies
😕 Fine That was fantastic! I'm partial to the Mel Torme version, but she was swinging it as hard as Mel. I'm definitely looking up more Andrea Motis. Thank you!
··· 4y, 21w 2 replies
🎲 Jamie And thanks to you for the Mel Torme recommendation-- what a voice!
4y, 21w 1 reply
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😕 Fine His nickname was "The Velvet Fog"
4y, 21w reply