🐢 Xia TIL: you cannot use long words here. Try "disconnected ness" w/o the space.
🤖 Razi disconnectedness
🐢 Xia How's that possible? I've tried that a couple of times. Disconnectedness works but not with a period after it.
🤖 Razi it's not counting letters, it's total character count, so disconnectedness is fine but one more character is too long
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☕ David Antoine D i s c o n n e c t e d n e s s !
Arjun Rajagopalan That's interesting. First time I have come across a comment section that stops long words. Why?
4y, 8w 1 reply
🐢 Xia You a hacker!
4y, 8w 1 reply
🐢 Xia Makes sense, so we found an edge case.
4y, 8w reply