😀 Tom Someone had a nice camera at an event I was running. After the event, I asked if they had any pictures I could share. They sent me some mediocre pictures. Just a reminder that a camera does not make a photographer.
1y, 1w reply ¬
♟️ Inverse Replica Now that I think of it, I have never seen Keanu Reeves and Tom at the same place.
😀 Tom Keanu is too intimidated by my presence to be in the same place as me.
1y, 1w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Do you think making Subreply private will be a good idea or a bad one? Mastodon will always be public.
😀 Tom I'm fine with how it's public right now.
1y, 1w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I wish Keanu Reeves was on Subreply.
😀 Tom Maybe he already is...
♟️ Inverse Replica 404
😀 Tom I saw it when it was up, it looked good. nokiamob.net/2023/...
1y, 3w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Nokia Pure (nokiapure.com) is pretty similar to design language on Subreply. I might adopt some of their ideas.
😀 Tom Looks interesting, we shall see.
1y, 5w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin We are at GPT-4 and it can go up to warp 10 like in Star Trek.
😀 Tom Like that one episode where they went Warp 10 in Star Trek Voyager? 😂
··· 1y, 7w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I can implement support for pictures, but the price will be $1 per picture.
😀 Tom I personally don't mind that price, but I have no pictures that I want to post. I like the text-only aspect of the site too. I feel like adding pictures might just make Subreply look more like Twitter or Facebook.
··· 1y, 8w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin The new about page is written by YouChat and Bing. It does look a lot better even if the content is not quite original. I like tools that does help me focus on development instead of tiny, meaningless things.
😀 Tom It looks good. Fyi "Subreply does have" should just be "Subreply has". Also, there's privacy features? And while the interface is simple, I don't know about intuitive.
··· 1y, 8w 1 reply
😀 Tom I just had an idea for a story that is so novel and unique, I've never heard anything remotely similar to it, and I think it would be a crazy-good idea, if I can execute it properly. It blows all of my other tired story ideas out of the water. I will practice writing on those other story ideas first though, because I've never really written a novel-length story before. I'm so excited about this idea.
1y, 8w reply ¬
👽 Paul Webb Does Subreply have image/video support?
😀 Tom It used to have image support for donators years ago, but not currently.
1y, 10w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin I want to introduce a chat feed on Subreply, maybe call it Live or simply Chat. Would you used it when events happen and you don't want to start a thread? I can support only mentions on that feed, no replies.
1y, 11w reply
😀 Tom I think that any kind of social media that does voting or automatic suppression by user flagging is terrible. It doesn't become a fair, intellectual discourse, but a competition of who can bully the other better.
··· 1y, 12w reply ¬
👽 Paul Webb I lost a follower? Lol okay.
😀 Tom Does it give you a count somewhere?
1y, 12w 1 reply
👽 Paul Webb Oh wow, my account still works. What's up people?
1y, 13w 1 reply
😀 Tom In an international airport surrounded by snow, and I'm the only one in shorts.
1y, 13w reply ¬
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