🙄 Doug Belshaw Restless. Stuff to get out of my head but unsure where to put it.
Martijn You do own a blog, so I vote for dougbelshaw.com
9y, 10w 3 replies
🙄 Doug Belshaw Thanks. You know when you've got stuff to dare that you don't want to broadcast *too* widely, though? I guess that was always the promise of Google+
9y, 10w 2 replies
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Martijn We had a discussion about this over at indiewebcamp.com/i... turns out some people limit their "broadcast" by nitpicking where their post shows up. Sometimes going as far as hiding it from both the front page and the RSS/Atom feeds. This way you can still have the stability of publishing on your own domain, but also getting to chose who you give the link to.
9y, 9w 1 reply
🙄 Doug Belshaw That's a *really* good idea! I've got multiple blogs but they tend to be topic-based. Will have a think...
9y, 9w reply