David Barker Question: What's the name for the Sublevel equivalent of a tweet?
Simon Janes How about a lev? Hey, are you on my lev? You find that lev? First lev! YES IT MUST HAVE THE BREVE ( V ) ;)
9y, 37w 6 replies
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Hugh Spiller or blev. Blevving, blevved, blevver, reblev... "The good thing abut Sublevel is that people don't blev their lunch."
9y, 36w 1 reply
Simon Janes Until I went I often bleved my lunch. :D
9y, 36w reply
Mark Myerson Like this idea. Not sure whether it will catch on as the community grows, but it gets my vote.
9y, 37w 3 replies
9y, 37w 1 reply
Anthony Nguyen I wouldn't mind it catching on but not so much that it becomes an overly populated network like twitter.
9y, 37w reply