🔚 Bort Simpson question - what is the fastest/easiest way to drop some file on an Apache web server and be able to navigate to a page through a browser that gives you a realtime readout of every single system message? Things being output to logs, user activity, etc. Does something like this already exist?
3y, 40w 1 reply ¬
🌚 Nlggers I'm not entirely sure if this satisfies your requirements but I believe Nix provides some concept of a single page configuration. In terms of log files I'm not entirely sure. In my case when I need to move files to my Nginx server's webroot I use scp although I've tried to do some things with crontab and automated cloning from git with some limited utility (moving files to my webroot so they become publicly accessible - files that are otherwise in my self-hosted git server).
3y, 40w reply
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