Mark Dain That's fine. I didn't want Windows 10 anyway.
🦿 Lucian Marin Installed Windows 10 on my Mac using Boot Camp. It's a huge mess. Microsoft never cleans up their code. 24 GB after a clean install isn't something you can brag about. If they started clean with Universal apps and an UNIX kernel, then I would have run it on my Mac from day one. At this point Ubuntu is the better option.
8y, 38w 4 replies
Nkrs That's too much. My Linux install is just under 10GB with all of the software that I use (Matlab, LibreOffice, TeXworks + a lot of packages, various compilers and browsers, some graphics software like Inkscape and QtiPlot), and even that's a lot. In contrast, my first PC was a Pentium III Dell machine which had a 10GB hard drive, and I had lots of programs and games installed with plenty of free space on the disk.
8y, 38w reply
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