Martijn Think I may have finally found a hosting solution that fits me over at, still trying to find something in Sweden...
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🦿 Lucian Marin I use a local solution for my site too. It's great from a performance persective, but I am limited to PHP 5.2 and an old version of MySQL.
8y, 46w 1 reply
Martijn I have little issue with my current Swedish hosting provider, except their insistence on making me pay more than my yearly hosting costs for a single SSL certificate. A year worth of hosting costs us 948 SEK, a single SSL certificate for a single domain name (without sub domains) goes for 1188 SEK. The way we're going HTTPS will soon be the default and these costs are crazy.
8y, 46w reply
Mark Dain Can't read German but it looks like they're a shared provider? Do they do VPS/Dedicated? I saw a GPG key too which is cool! Might look into moving to them if they do VPS. Also, IPv6 support is a must from me!
8y, 46w 1 reply
Martijn You can read the FAQ for most answers ... or try reading the FAQ through your favourite translation tool: German is my fourth language, and while I can read it reading these technical wiki documents is a bit of a strain and slow going. In short they are not a VPS because you do not get root-rights. You do get full SSH access, can install software packages, can run your own Daemons, etc. so chances are you can do what you want to do. All their services are accessible over IPv6.
8y, 46w reply