Martijn Just noticed Sublevel adds a little circle (probably degrees symbol) behind its title whenever you have some unseen activity. How long has it been doing that?!
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Mark Dain Does that update automatically?
9y, 11w 1 reply
Martijn I don't think so, not sure. But I believe Sublevel's no-JS policy makes it so we will always need to refresh manually.
9y, 11w reply
Dongsung Kim Oh, that's what it's for! Noticed but never figured out why.
9y, 12w reply
Eric About a week, noticed it few days ago.
9y, 12w reply
John Olinda Where? On the home screen, or up in the tab bar on the desktop? Never noticed it, just the orange ones up by the "Activity" link.
9y, 12w 1 reply
Martijn In the actual page title, so the tab bar or equivalent part of the browser chrome.
9y, 12w reply