Martijn With my birthday coming up I found myself thinking about life. Then I saw Sublevel's favicon had turned square and I was distracted.
C4nn4r Still looks pretty round from where I'm sitting.
9y, 27w 5 replies
Martijn Both Safari and Monochrome are showing a square
9y, 27w 4 replies
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Eric So many icons top-right..
9y, 27w 1 reply
Martijn I rather have them up there than in my dock. I thought about getting Bartender to hide it, but in reality I rather have 2-3 extra lunches at university for that money.
9y, 27w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin That's a good looking desktop, maybe because of Monochrome and Sublevel. :)
9y, 27w 1 reply
Martijn Alrighty, updated screenshot. Now featuring the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and 2 different iterations of the favicon. (Stop toying with my feelings ! From round to square and back again in so little time!)
9y, 27w reply