Martijn Lovely, iOS 10.2 will not accept my settings for the Archive Mailbox for my Gmail account either. Looks like I am going to need a third party email client.
☕ David Antoine That one maybe ? Seems nice and it's free... Or Airmail, that one is not free...
7y, 14w 5 replies
Martijn I don't know about Airmail, but Spark was recommended against because they store your email credentials on their servers. I need a solid IMAP client on my iPad that does everything, I don't want to outsource my email.
7y, 14w 4 replies
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👽 Paul Webb Oh wow, thanks for sharing that link! Gonna share it with friends who use those apps. I use Postbox on my computer and Outlook on my mobile devices.
7y, 14w 3 replies
Martijn I saw some recommendations for iOS Outlook actually, might look into that. But yes, several apps will store your credentials on their servers for push notifications. I'd rather they didn't support push notifications and respected my privacy.
7y, 14w 2 replies