Martijn , do you know how many of Sublevel's posts are over vs. under 140 characters? Would be interesting to know!
🦿 Lucian Marin Percentages of posts over compared to posts under 140 characters is 25%. Four months ago it was 17.5%. The average post length is 87. Four months ago it was 76.
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Martijn I was expecting a bigger percentage though! I guess Twitter was onto something with the 140 character limit. Will be interesting to see how this develops. I have noticed I have started to care less about the amount of words I use thanks to Sublevel's generous limit.
🦿 Lucian Marin Percentage for the last four months is 75%. The average post length is 145 characters. Facebook average post length is 101 characters, while Twitter is around 67 characters. I definitely disagree with you regarding how much thought and consideration Facebook and Twitter have put into their "advertising" platforms.
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