🤔 David Ooh, /discover looks interesting. Why the change ?
🦿 Lucian Marin Based on some people's feedback, "search" was confusing. I hope it brings more clarity to how you can use it to discover more content.
3y, 38w 6 replies
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🗨️ Fui Ah. Now I get it. I was so confused when I first got here. Now I feel more at home with the UI. Thanks!
3y, 38w reply
Rsm Good change.
3y, 38w reply
😶 Pipas_ This is all I wanted. Keep going bro!
3y, 38w reply
👂 Sly Thanks for the updates! Keep them coming!
3y, 38w reply
🤔 David Makes sense! Thanks for the info.
3y, 38w reply
🚴 Aditya Great update!
3y, 38w reply